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About WhereToStart.ca

Access to Mental Health Services for Children and Youth in Peel

About Us

About WhereToStart.ca

WhereToStart.ca is the access point for free and confidential mental health services for children, youth and families who live in the Region of Peel, which comprises of the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the town of Caledon. When you call us, we will listen to your concerns and help connect you with the most appropriate mental health program or service for you.

Who We Are

WhereToStart.ca is a partnership of Associated Youth Services of Peel, EveryMind (formerly Peel Children’s Centre), and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinics at Trillium Health Partners and William Osler Health System.

What We Do

WhereToStart.ca’s four core service providers deliver child and youth mental health programs and services to children and youth up to age 25 who live in the Region of Peel.

Services are free and confidential and include assessment, treatment and education delivered by qualified mental health professionals. Your treatment plan will be customized to address your individual needs and circumstances.

Roadmap to Wellness

Roadmap to Wellness: A Plan to Build Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions System is the Ontario government’s plan to build a provincial system so that “all Ontarians have access to high-quality, easily accessible mental health and addictions support throughout their lifetime, where and when they need it.”

To support the Roadmap to Wellness, Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) Lead Agencies provide leadership and manage local planning efforts in Ontario’s 33 geographical service areas to move this system-building work forward for children, youth and families. EveryMind is the Lead Agency for the Peel service area.

At the provincial level, senior leaders of Ontario’s Lead Agencies, including EveryMind, work together in a Lead Agency Consortium to coordinate Lead Agencies’ efforts, advocate on behalf of Ontario’s CYMH service system, and collaborate with other service sectors to implement the Roadmap to Wellness and related system-transformation work.

Locally, EveryMind as Lead Agency works in partnership with Peel’s four core service providers (see above under “Who We Are”). We engage youth and families in our system-building efforts. EveryMind also works with Peel’s adult mental health and addictions service providers, other healthcare providers, school boards, a broad range of community and social services, and governments.

More information about provincial and local efforts to build a high-quality, easily accessible system of mental health and addictions support is available on the EveryMind website at https://everymind.ca/lead-agency/.